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Great Lakes University of Kisumu ODEL
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Bachelor of Science in Information Technology
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Course categories
PHD COURSES / PhD in Community Health and Development
PHD COURSES / PhD in Community Health and Development / Year 1 Trimester 1
PHD COURSES / PhD in Community Health and Development / Year 1 Trimester 1 / Module 1: PCHD
PHD COURSES / PhD in Community Health and Development / Year 1 Trimester 1 / Module 2:PCHD
PHD COURSES / PhD in Community Health and Development / Year 1 Trimester 2
PHD COURSES / PhD in Community Health and Development / Year 1 Trimester 2 / Module 3: PCHD
PHD COURSES / PhD in Community Health and Development / Year 1 Trimester 2 / Module 4: PCHD
PHD COURSES / PhD in Community Health and Development / Year 1 Trimester 3
PHD COURSES / PhD in Community Health and Development / Year 1 Trimester 3 / Module 5: PCHD
PHD COURSES / PhD in Community Health and Development / Year 1 Trimester 3 / Module 6: PCHD (Electives. Any 2)
PHD COURSES / PhD in Community Health and Development / Year 2 Trimester 1
PHD COURSES / PhD in Community Health and Development / Year 2 Trimester 1 / Module 7: PCHD
PHD COURSES / PhD in Community Health and Development / Year 2 Trimester 2
PHD COURSES / PhD in Community Health and Development / Year 2 Trimester 2 / Module 8: PCHD
PHD COURSES / PhD in Community Health and Development / Year 2 Trimester 3
PHD COURSES / PhD in Community Health and Development / Year 2 Trimester 3 / Module 8: PCHD
PHD COURSES / PhD in Public Health
PHD COURSES / PhD in Public Health / Year 1
PHD COURSES / PhD in Public Health / Year 1 / Semester 1
PHD COURSES / PhD in Public Health / Year 1 / Semester 2
PHD COURSES / PhD in Public Health / Year 1 / Semester 2 / Track I. PhD in Health Promotion and Health Behaviour
PHD COURSES / PhD in Public Health / Year 1 / Semester 2 / Track 2: PhD IN Epidemiology and Population Health
PHD COURSES / PhD in Public Health / Year 1 / Semester 2 / Track 3: PhD IN Management of Health Systems and Services
PHD COURSES / PhD in Public Health / Year 1 / Semester 2 / Track 4: PhD IN Project Planning, Implementation and Management.
PHD COURSES / PhD in Public Health / Year 1 / Semester 2 / Track 5: PhD IN Public Health Emergency, Disaster Preparedness and Response
PHD COURSES / PhD in Public Health / Year 1 / Semester 3
PHD COURSES / PhD in Agribusiness Management
MASTERS COURSES / Master in Community Health and Development
MASTERS COURSES / Master of Science in Public Health
MASTERS COURSES / Master of Science in Community Nutrition and Dietetics
MASTERS COURSES / Master of Science in Clinical Medicine
MASTERS COURSES / Master of Science in Nursing
MASTERS COURSES / Master of Science in Agribusiness Management
MASTERS COURSES / Master of Science in Agribusiness Management / Year 1
MASTERS COURSES / Master of Science in Agribusiness Management / Year 1 / Semester 1
MASTERS COURSES / Master of Science in Agribusiness Management / Year 1 / Semester 2
MASTERS COURSES / Master of Science in Agribusiness Management / Year 2
MASTERS COURSES / Master of Science in Agribusiness Management / Year 2 / Semester 1
MASTERS COURSES / Master of Science in Agribusiness Management / Year 2 / Semester 2
MASTERS COURSES / Master of Business Administration
MASTERS COURSES / Master of Business Administration / Year 1 Trimester 1
MASTERS COURSES / Master of Arts in Counselling Psychology
UNDERGRADUATE COURSES / Bachelor of Science in Community Health and Development
UNDERGRADUATE COURSES / Bachelor of Science in Community Health and Development / Year 1 Semester 1: BCHD
UNDERGRADUATE COURSES / Bachelor of Science in Community Health and Development / Year 1 Semester 2: BCHD
UNDERGRADUATE COURSES / Bachelor of Science in Community Health and Development / Year 2 Semester 1: BCHD
UNDERGRADUATE COURSES / Bachelor of Science in Community Health and Development / Year 2 Semester 2: BCHD
UNDERGRADUATE COURSES / Bachelor of Science in Community Health and Development / Year 3 Semester 1: BCHD
UNDERGRADUATE COURSES / Bachelor of Science in Community Health and Development / Year 3 Semester 2: BCHD
UNDERGRADUATE COURSES / Bachelor of Science in Community Health and Development / Year 4 Semester 1 BCHD
UNDERGRADUATE COURSES / Bachelor of Science in Community Health and Development / Year 4 Semester 2: BCHD
UNDERGRADUATE COURSES / Bachelor of Science in Public Health
UNDERGRADUATE COURSES / Bachelor of Science in Clinical Medicine
UNDERGRADUATE COURSES / Bachelor of Science in Clinical Medicine / Year 1 Trimester I: BCM
UNDERGRADUATE COURSES / Bachelor of Science in Clinical Medicine / Year 1 Trimester II: BCM
UNDERGRADUATE COURSES / Bachelor of Science in Clinical Medicine / Year 1 Trimester III: BCM
UNDERGRADUATE COURSES / Bachelor of Science in Clinical Medicine / Year 2 Trimester I: BCM
UNDERGRADUATE COURSES / Bachelor of Science in Clinical Medicine / Year 2 Trimester II: BCM
UNDERGRADUATE COURSES / Bachelor of Science in Clinical Medicine / Year 2 Trimester III: BCM
UNDERGRADUATE COURSES / Bachelor of Science in Clinical Medicine / Year 3 Trimester I: BCM
UNDERGRADUATE COURSES / Bachelor of Science in Clinical Medicine / Year 3 Trimester II: BCM
UNDERGRADUATE COURSES / Bachelor of Science in Clinical Medicine / Year 3 Trimester III: BCM
UNDERGRADUATE COURSES / Bachelor of Science in Clinical Medicine / Year 4 Semester I: BCM
UNDERGRADUATE COURSES / Bachelor of Science in Clinical Medicine / Year 4 Trimester II: BCM
UNDERGRADUATE COURSES / Bachelor of Science in Clinical Medicine / Year 4 Trimester III: BCM
UNDERGRADUATE COURSES / Bachelor of Science in Nursing
UNDERGRADUATE COURSES / Bachelor of Science in Physiotherapy
UNDERGRADUATE COURSES / Bachelor of Science in Medical Laboratory Sciences
UNDERGRADUATE COURSES / Bachelor of Science in Medical Laboratory Sciences / Year 1 Trimester 1
UNDERGRADUATE COURSES / Bachelor of Science in Medical Laboratory Sciences / Year 1 Trimetser 2
UNDERGRADUATE COURSES / Bachelor of Science in Medical Laboratory Sciences / Year 2 Trimester 1
UNDERGRADUATE COURSES / Bachelor of Science in Medical Laboratory Sciences / Year 2 Trimester 2
UNDERGRADUATE COURSES / Bachelor of Science Agribusiness Management
UNDERGRADUATE COURSES / Bachelor of Science Agribusiness Management / Year 1 Semester 1: Agribusiness
UNDERGRADUATE COURSES / Bachelor of Science Agribusiness Management / Year 1 Semester 2: Agribusiness
UNDERGRADUATE COURSES / Bachelor of Science Agribusiness Management / Year 2 Semester 1: Agribusiness
UNDERGRADUATE COURSES / Bachelor of Science Agribusiness Management / Year 2 Semester 2
UNDERGRADUATE COURSES / Bachelor of Science Agribusiness Management / Year 3 Semester 1: Agribusiness
UNDERGRADUATE COURSES / Bachelor of Science Agribusiness Management / Year 3 Semester 2: Agribusiness
UNDERGRADUATE COURSES / Bachelor of Science Agribusiness Management / Year 4 Semester 1: Agribusiness
UNDERGRADUATE COURSES / Bachelor of Science Agribusiness Management / Year 4 Semester 2
UNDERGRADUATE COURSES / Bachelor of Science in Information Technology
UNDERGRADUATE COURSES / Bachelor of Science in Information Technology / Year 1
UNDERGRADUATE COURSES / Bachelor of Science in Information Technology / Year 1 / Semester 1
UNDERGRADUATE COURSES / Bachelor of Science in Information Technology / Year 1 / Semester 2
UNDERGRADUATE COURSES / Bachelor of Science in Information Technology / Year 2
UNDERGRADUATE COURSES / Bachelor of Science in Information Technology / Year 2 / Semester 1
UNDERGRADUATE COURSES / Bachelor of Science in Information Technology / Year 2 / Semester 2
UNDERGRADUATE COURSES / Bachelor of Science in Information Technology / Year 3
UNDERGRADUATE COURSES / Bachelor of Science in Information Technology / Year 3 / Semester 1
UNDERGRADUATE COURSES / Bachelor of Science in Information Technology / Year 3 / Semester 2
UNDERGRADUATE COURSES / Bachelor of Science in Information Technology / Year 4
UNDERGRADUATE COURSES / Bachelor of Science in Information Technology / Year 4 / Semester 1
UNDERGRADUATE COURSES / Bachelor of Science in Information Technology / Year 4 / Semester 2
UNDERGRADUATE COURSES / Bachelor of Science in Hospitality and Tourism Management
UNDERGRADUATE COURSES / Bachelor of Science in Hospitality and Tourism Management / Year 1
UNDERGRADUATE COURSES / Bachelor of Science in Hospitality and Tourism Management / Year 1 / Semester 1
UNDERGRADUATE COURSES / Bachelor of Science in Hospitality and Tourism Management / Year 1 / Semester 2
UNDERGRADUATE COURSES / Bachelor of Science in Hospitality and Tourism Management / Year 2
UNDERGRADUATE COURSES / Bachelor of Science in Hospitality and Tourism Management / Year 2 / Semester 1
UNDERGRADUATE COURSES / Bachelor of Science in Hospitality and Tourism Management / Year 2 / Semester 2
UNDERGRADUATE COURSES / Bachelor of Science in Hospitality and Tourism Management / Year 3
UNDERGRADUATE COURSES / Bachelor of Science in Hospitality and Tourism Management / Year 3 / Semester 1
UNDERGRADUATE COURSES / Bachelor of Science in Hospitality and Tourism Management / Year 3 / Semester 2
UNDERGRADUATE COURSES / Bachelor of Science in Hospitality and Tourism Management / Year 4
UNDERGRADUATE COURSES / Bachelor of Science in Hospitality and Tourism Management / Year 4 / Semester 1
UNDERGRADUATE COURSES / Bachelor of Science in Hospitality and Tourism Management / Year 4 / Semester 2
UNDERGRADUATE COURSES / Bachelor of Business Administration
UNDERGRADUATE COURSES / Bachelor of Business Administration / Year 1 Trimester 2
UNDERGRADUATE COURSES / Bachelor of Education
UNDERGRADUATE COURSES / Bachelor of Education / Education Courses
UNDERGRADUATE COURSES / Bachelor of Education / Education Courses / Year 1
UNDERGRADUATE COURSES / Bachelor of Education / Education Courses / Year 1 / Semester 1: Education
UNDERGRADUATE COURSES / Bachelor of Education / Education Courses / Year 1 / Semester 2: Education
UNDERGRADUATE COURSES / Bachelor of Education / Education Courses / Year 2
UNDERGRADUATE COURSES / Bachelor of Education / Education Courses / Year 2 / Semester 1: Education
UNDERGRADUATE COURSES / Bachelor of Education / Education Courses / Year 2 / Semester 2: Education
UNDERGRADUATE COURSES / Bachelor of Education / Education Courses / Year 3
UNDERGRADUATE COURSES / Bachelor of Education / Education Courses / Year 3 / Semester 1: Education
UNDERGRADUATE COURSES / Bachelor of Education / Education Courses / Year 3 / Semester 2: Education
UNDERGRADUATE COURSES / Bachelor of Education / Education Courses / Year 4
UNDERGRADUATE COURSES / Bachelor of Education / Education Courses / Year 4 / Year 4 Semester 1: Education
UNDERGRADUATE COURSES / Bachelor of Education / Geography
UNDERGRADUATE COURSES / Bachelor of Education / Geography / Year 1 Semester 1: Geography
UNDERGRADUATE COURSES / Bachelor of Education / Geography / Year 1 Semester 2: Geography
UNDERGRADUATE COURSES / Bachelor of Education / Geography / Year 2 Semester 1: Geography
UNDERGRADUATE COURSES / Bachelor of Education / Geography / Year 2 Semester 2: Geography
UNDERGRADUATE COURSES / Bachelor of Education / Geography / Year 3 Semester 1: Geography
UNDERGRADUATE COURSES / Bachelor of Education / Geography / Year 3 Semester 2: Geography
UNDERGRADUATE COURSES / Bachelor of Education / Geography / Year 4 Semester 1: Geography
UNDERGRADUATE COURSES / Bachelor of Education / Geography / Year 4 Semester 2: Geography
UNDERGRADUATE COURSES / Bachelor of Education / History Courses
UNDERGRADUATE COURSES / Bachelor of Education / History Courses / Year 1 Semester 1: History
UNDERGRADUATE COURSES / Bachelor of Education / History Courses / Year 1 Semester 2: History
UNDERGRADUATE COURSES / Bachelor of Education / History Courses / Year 2 Semester 1: History
UNDERGRADUATE COURSES / Bachelor of Education / History Courses / Year 2 Semester 2: History
UNDERGRADUATE COURSES / Bachelor of Education / History Courses / Year 3 Semester 1: History
UNDERGRADUATE COURSES / Bachelor of Education / History Courses / Year 3 Semester 2: History
UNDERGRADUATE COURSES / Bachelor of Education / History Courses / Year 4 Semester 1: History
UNDERGRADUATE COURSES / Bachelor of Education / History Courses / Year 4 Semester 2: History
UNDERGRADUATE COURSES / Bachelor of Education / Kiswahili Courses
UNDERGRADUATE COURSES / Bachelor of Education / Kiswahili Courses / Year 1 Semester 1: Kiswahili
UNDERGRADUATE COURSES / Bachelor of Education / Kiswahili Courses / Year 1 Semester 2: Kiswahili
UNDERGRADUATE COURSES / Bachelor of Education / Kiswahili Courses / Year 2 Semester 1: Kiswahili
UNDERGRADUATE COURSES / Bachelor of Education / Kiswahili Courses / Year 2 Semester 2: Kiswahili
UNDERGRADUATE COURSES / Bachelor of Education / Kiswahili Courses / Year 3 Semester 1: Kiswahili
UNDERGRADUATE COURSES / Bachelor of Education / Kiswahili Courses / Year 3 Semester 2: Kiswahili
UNDERGRADUATE COURSES / Bachelor of Education / Kiswahili Courses / Year 4 Semester 1: Kiswahili
UNDERGRADUATE COURSES / Bachelor of Education / Kiswahili Courses / Year 4 Semester 2: Kiswahili
UNDERGRADUATE COURSES / Bachelor of Education / Christian Religious Education Courses
UNDERGRADUATE COURSES / Bachelor of Education / Christian Religious Education Courses / Year 1 Semester 1: CRE
UNDERGRADUATE COURSES / Bachelor of Education / Christian Religious Education Courses / Year 1 Semester 2: CRE
UNDERGRADUATE COURSES / Bachelor of Education / Christian Religious Education Courses / Year 2 Semester 1: CRE
UNDERGRADUATE COURSES / Bachelor of Education / Christian Religious Education Courses / Year 2 Semester 2: CRE
UNDERGRADUATE COURSES / Bachelor of Education / Christian Religious Education Courses / Year 3 Semester 1: CRE
UNDERGRADUATE COURSES / Bachelor of Education / Christian Religious Education Courses / Year 4 Semester 1: CRE
UNDERGRADUATE COURSES / Bachelor of Education / Music Courses
UNDERGRADUATE COURSES / Bachelor of Education / Music Courses / Year 1 Semester 1: Music
UNDERGRADUATE COURSES / Bachelor of Education / Music Courses / Year 1 Semester 2: Music
UNDERGRADUATE COURSES / Bachelor of Education / Music Courses / Year 2 Semester 1
UNDERGRADUATE COURSES / Bachelor of Education / Music Courses / Year 2 Semester 2: Music
UNDERGRADUATE COURSES / Bachelor of Education / Music Courses / Year 3 Semester 1: Music
UNDERGRADUATE COURSES / Bachelor of Education / Music Courses / Year 3 Semester 2: Music
UNDERGRADUATE COURSES / Bachelor of Education / Music Courses / Year 4 Semester 1: Music
UNDERGRADUATE COURSES / Bachelor of Education / Music Courses / Year 4 Semester 2: Music
UNDERGRADUATE COURSES / Bachelor of Education / English Education Courses
UNDERGRADUATE COURSES / Bachelor of Education / English Education Courses / Year 1 Semester 1: English
UNDERGRADUATE COURSES / Bachelor of Education / English Education Courses / Year 1 Semester 2: English
UNDERGRADUATE COURSES / Bachelor of Education / English Education Courses / Year 2 Semester 1: English
UNDERGRADUATE COURSES / Bachelor of Education / English Education Courses / Year 2 Semester 2: English
UNDERGRADUATE COURSES / Bachelor of Education / English Education Courses / Year 3 Semester 1: English
UNDERGRADUATE COURSES / Bachelor of Education / English Education Courses / Year 3 Semester 2: English
UNDERGRADUATE COURSES / Bachelor of Education / English Education Courses / Year 4 Semester 1: English
UNDERGRADUATE COURSES / Bachelor of Education / English Education Courses / Year 4 Semester 2: English
UNDERGRADUATE COURSES / Bachelor of Education / Literature Courses
UNDERGRADUATE COURSES / Bachelor of Education / Literature Courses / Year 1 Semester 1: Literature
UNDERGRADUATE COURSES / Bachelor of Education / Literature Courses / Year 1 Semester 2: Literature
UNDERGRADUATE COURSES / Bachelor of Education / Literature Courses / Year 2 Semester 1: Literature
UNDERGRADUATE COURSES / Bachelor of Education / Literature Courses / Year 2 Semester 2: Literature
UNDERGRADUATE COURSES / Bachelor of Education / Literature Courses / Year 3 Semester 1: Literature
UNDERGRADUATE COURSES / Bachelor of Education / Literature Courses / Year 3 Semester 2: Literature
UNDERGRADUATE COURSES / Bachelor of Education / Literature Courses / Year 4 Semester 1: Literature
UNDERGRADUATE COURSES / Bachelor of Education / Literature Courses / Year 4 Semester 2: Literature
UNDERGRADUATE COURSES / Bachelor of Education / Business Education
UNDERGRADUATE COURSES / Bachelor of Education / Business Education / Year 1 Semester 1: Business Education
UNDERGRADUATE COURSES / Bachelor of Education / Business Education / Year 1 Semester 2: Business Education
UNDERGRADUATE COURSES / Bachelor of Education / Business Education / Year 2 Semester 1: Business Education
UNDERGRADUATE COURSES / Bachelor of Education / Business Education / Year 2 Semester 2: Business Education
UNDERGRADUATE COURSES / Bachelor of Education / Business Education / Year 3 Semester 1: Business Education
UNDERGRADUATE COURSES / Bachelor of Education / Business Education / Year 3 Semester 2: Business Education
UNDERGRADUATE COURSES / Bachelor of Education / Business Education / Year 4 Semester 1: Business Education
UNDERGRADUATE COURSES / Bachelor of Education / Business Education / Year 4 Semester 2: Business Education
UNDERGRADUATE COURSES / Bachelor of Education / Information Technology
UNDERGRADUATE COURSES / Bachelor of Education / Information Technology / Year 1 Semester 1: Computer Studies
UNDERGRADUATE COURSES / Bachelor of Education / Information Technology / Year 1 Semester 2: Computer Studies
UNDERGRADUATE COURSES / Bachelor of Education / Information Technology / Year 2 Semester 1: Computer Studies
UNDERGRADUATE COURSES / Bachelor of Education / Information Technology / Year 2 Semester 2: Computer Studies
UNDERGRADUATE COURSES / Bachelor of Education / Information Technology / Year 3 Semester 1: Computer Studies
UNDERGRADUATE COURSES / Bachelor of Education / Information Technology / Year 3 Semester 2: Computer Studies
UNDERGRADUATE COURSES / Bachelor of Education / Information Technology / Year 4 Semester 1: Computer Studies
UNDERGRADUATE COURSES / Bachelor of Education / Information Technology / Year 4 Semester 2: Computer Studies
UNDERGRADUATE COURSES / Bachelor of Education / Mathematics
UNDERGRADUATE COURSES / Bachelor of Education / Mathematics / Year 1 Semester 1: Mathematics
UNDERGRADUATE COURSES / Bachelor of Education / Mathematics / Year 1 Semester 2: Mathematics
UNDERGRADUATE COURSES / Bachelor of Education / Mathematics / Year 2 Semester 1: Mathematics
UNDERGRADUATE COURSES / Bachelor of Education / Mathematics / Year 2 Semester 2: Mathematics
UNDERGRADUATE COURSES / Bachelor of Education / Mathematics / Year 3 Semester 1: Mathematics
UNDERGRADUATE COURSES / Bachelor of Education / Mathematics / Year 3 Semester 2: Mathematics
UNDERGRADUATE COURSES / Bachelor of Education / Mathematics / Year 4 Semester 1: Mathematics
UNDERGRADUATE COURSES / Bachelor of Education / Mathematics / Year 4 Semester 2: Mathematics
UNDERGRADUATE COURSES / Bachelor of Arts in Counselling Psychology
UNDERGRADUATE COURSES / Bachelor of Arts in Counselling Psychology / Year 2 Trimester 2
UNDERGRADUATE COURSES / Bachelor of Pastoral Theology
DIPLOMA COURSES / Diploma in Clinical Medicine and Surgery
DIPLOMA COURSES / Diploma in Agribusiness Management
DIPLOMA COURSES / Diploma in Hospitality and Tourism Management
DIPLOMA COURSES / Diploma in Information Technology
DIPLOMA COURSES / Diploma in Business Administration
DIPLOMA COURSES / Diploma in Counseling Psychology
DIPLOMA COURSES / Diploma in Theology
CERTIFICATE COURSES / Certificate in Community Health and Development
CERTIFICATE COURSES / Certificate in Community Nutrition
CERTIFICATE COURSES / Certificate in Agribusiness Management
CERTIFICATE COURSES / Certificate in Hospitality and Tourism Management
CERTIFICATE COURSES / Certificate in Information Technology
CERTIFICATE COURSES / Certificate in Business Administration
CERTIFICATE COURSES / Certificate in Counseling Psychology
CERTIFICATE COURSES / Certificate in Theology
NAIROBI CAMPUS / PHD / PhD in Community Health and Development
NAIROBI CAMPUS / PHD / PhD in Public Health
NAIROBI CAMPUS / PHD / PhD in Business Administration
NAIROBI CAMPUS / PHD / PhD. in COmmunity Nutrition
NAIROBI CAMPUS / MASTERS / MSc. Community Nutrition
NAIROBI CAMPUS / MASTERS / MSc. Business Administration
NAIROBI CAMPUS / MASTERS / MSc. Community Health and Development
NAIROBI CAMPUS / MASTERS / MPH in Disaster Risk Management
NAIROBI CAMPUS / BACHELORS / Bsc. Community Nutrition
NAIROBI CAMPUS / BACHELORS / Bsc. Community Nutrition / Year 2 Sem 1, Year 2 Sem 2, Year 2 Sem 3
NAIROBI CAMPUS / BACHELORS / Bsc. Community Nutrition / Y2 Sem 2, Y2 Sem 3, Y3 Sem 1 and Y3 Sem 2
NAIROBI CAMPUS / BACHELORS / Bsc. Business Administration
NAIROBI CAMPUS / BACHELORS / Bsc. Business Administration / YEAR 1 SEMESTER 2
NAIROBI CAMPUS / BACHELORS / Bsc. Business Administration / YEAR 3 SEMESTER 1
NAIROBI CAMPUS / BACHELORS / Bsc. Business Administration / YEAR 3 SEM 2
NAIROBI CAMPUS / BACHELORS / Bsc. Information Technology
NAIROBI CAMPUS / BACHELORS / Bsc. Hospitality and Tourism
NAIROBI CAMPUS / BACHELORS / Bsc. Community Health and Development
NAIROBI CAMPUS / BACHELORS / Bsc. Community Health and Development / Y1 S1,Y1 S2, Y2 S1, Y2 S2
NAIROBI CAMPUS / BACHELORS / Bsc. Community Health and Development / Year 3 S2, Year 3 S1,Year 4 S1
NAIROBI CAMPUS / BACHELORS / Bsc. Community Health and Development / YEAR 1 SEMESTER 3
NAIROBI CAMPUS / BACHELORS / Bsc. Community Health and Development / Y3 S2, & Y3 S1, Y4 S1
NAIROBI CAMPUS / BACHELORS / Bsc. Clinical Medicine
NAIROBI CAMPUS / BACHELORS / Bsc. Environmental Health
NAIROBI CAMPUS / BACHELORS / Bachelor of Science in Public Health / Environmental Health
NAIROBI CAMPUS / BACHELORS / Bachelor of Science in Public Health / Environmental Health / Year 2 Semester 1,2,3
NAIROBI CAMPUS / BACHELORS / Bachelor of Science in Public Health / Environmental Health / YEAR 2 SEMESTER 1 & YEAR 1 SEMESTER 1,2
NAIROBI CAMPUS / BACHELORS / Bachelor of Science in Public Health / Environmental Health / Year 2 Sem 1 & Year 1 Sem 1,2
NAIROBI CAMPUS / BACHELORS / Bachelors in Disaster Risk Management
NAIROBI CAMPUS / DIPLOMA / Diploma in Business Administration
NAIROBI CAMPUS / DIPLOMA / Diploma in Information Technology
NAIROBI CAMPUS / DIPLOMA / Diploma in Disaster Risk Management
NAIROBI CAMPUS / DIPLOMA / Diploma in Community Health and Development
NAIROBI CAMPUS / DIPLOMA / Diploma in Community Health and Development / Year 1 Trimester 1
NAIROBI CAMPUS / DIPLOMA / Diploma in Community Health and Development / Year 2 Trimester 1
NAIROBI CAMPUS / DIPLOMA / Diploma in Community Health and Development / YEAR 2 SEMESTER 1 & YEAR 1 SEMESTER 1,2,3
NAIROBI CAMPUS / DIPLOMA / Diploma in Community Health and Development / YEAR 2 SEMESTER 1
NAIROBI CAMPUS / DIPLOMA / Diploma in Community Nutrition
NAIROBI CAMPUS / DIPLOMA / Diploma in Community Nutrition / YEAR 2 SEMESTER 1 & YEAR 1 SEMESTER 1,2,3
NAIROBI CAMPUS / CERTIFICATE / Certificate in Community Nutrition
NAIROBI CAMPUS / CERTIFICATE / Certificate in Business Administration
NAIROBI CAMPUS / CERTIFICATE / Certificate in Information Technology
NAIROBI CAMPUS / CERTIFICATE / Certificate in Community Health and Development
NAIROBI CAMPUS / CERTIFICATE / Certificate in Community Health and Development / Year 1 Semester 1: CCHD
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PHY 227: Introduction to Physics II
Skill Level
BIT 226: Object Oriented Programming
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BIT 225: System Administration
Skill Level
BIT 224: Database Management Systems
Skill Level
BIT 223: Systems Analysis & Design
Skill Level
BIT 222: Entrepreneurship and Business
Skill Level
BIT 221: Research Methodology
Skill Level